The Office of Public Defense Advisory Committee is established by RCW 2.70.030, with members who possess unique knowledge and skills regarding Washington’s public defense system. The Committee works alongside our agency to effectively guide efforts to realize our mission. Committee members are appointed by the Chief Justice of the Washington State Supreme Court, the Governor, the Court of Appeals, the Washington State Association of Counties, the Association of Washington Cities, and the Washington State Bar Association, in addition to two Senators and two Representatives selected from each of the two largest caucuses, by the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives, respectively. Our agency’s Director and Advisory Committee Chair are both appointed by the Washington State Supreme Court.
- Annie Lee, Chair
- State Senator Mike Padden
- State Senator Jamie Pedersen
- State Representative Bruce Chandler
- State Representative Roger Goodman
- Judge Rich Melnick, Retired
- Thurston County Commissioner Tye Menser, Washington State Association of Counties
- Ann Christian, Clark County Public Defense Administrator, Retired
- Jana Heyd, Heyd Law Group
- Robert Flennaugh II, The Law Office of Robert Flennaugh II, PLLC
- Lindsey Hueer, Association of Washington Cities
- Luis Moscoso, Governor Appointment
- James Chambers, Governor Appointment
Upcoming Meetings
- June 20, 2024- 10 a.m.- Noon
- September 12, 2024- 10 a.m.- Noon
- December 12, 2024- 10 a.m.- Noon
Past Meetings
- March 14, 2024 10:00 a.m. (Agenda)