Key Cases and Analysis

Wilbur v. City of Mount Vernon (2013)

The U.S. District Court of the Western District of Washington held that the named cities were liable under 42 USC 1983 for systemic flaws in the administration of public defense services.

State v. A.N.J. (2010)

The Washington Supreme Court allowed the withdrawal of a guilty plea due to ineffective assistance of counsel, and addressed expectations for public defense services such as the duty to investigate and the duty to form a confidential relationship with each client.

Padilla v. Kentucky (2010)

The U.S. Supreme Court held that the Sixth Amendment right to counsel was violated because defense counsel did not advise the defendant on the immigration consequences of a conviction.

Best v. Grant County (2005)

Parties sought injunctive and declaratory relief to protect the constitutional right of effective assistance of counsel for all present and future indigent criminal defendants in Grant County.