
Applications for the Spring Criminal Defense Training Academy (CDTA) closed on February 18, 2025. However, you may still register to be placed on the waitlist. CDTA is designed for newer lawyers but…
DCYF released this wonderful video featuring OPD’s fabulous Shrounda Selivanoff, former DCYF Ross Secretary Hunter (and also from DCYF Cindy Hostetler) talking about the Certificate of Parental…
Awareness of the Blake decision and relief opportunities is growing in-state and across state borders, through grassroots community efforts. These dedicated outreach efforts between the…
As directed by the Washington Legislature, the Office of Public Defense reports on its implementation of SB 5046. This report identifies systemic barriers and recommends reforms to improve access to…
For this Beyond Boundaries interview, Robin Zimmermann from Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts and Chris Graves from Washington Office of Public Defense discuss the work they'…
Washington Courts Report - Episode 2: Family Reunification Month with Tonia McClanahan
Shrounda Selivanoff and Tara Urs authored the linked article explaining the importance of new legislation that prioritizes resolving family dependency cases with guardianship instead of defaulting to…
Jul 25, 2024 - Love Does Not End
"If we leave the door open to change, we can welcome healing. But if we lock the doors, we deny ourselves the beauty of one another." Please read this touching story by our own Shrounda Selivanoff,…
Interim Seattle police chief Sue Rahr issued a directive this month clarifying that a 2021 state law doesn't stop police from questioning juveniles who witness crimes. Why it matters:…
If law enforcement follows the law as it’s written, and as the prosecutor has told them to, we can protect vulnerable youth in police custody, writes the author.