Washington State Counties A-Z
The following is a list of Superior Court Clerk contacts and Transcribers organized by county, provided by the Washington State Office of Public Defense as a courtesy for legal professionals in need of obtaining court records and transcripts. OPD in no way endorses or specifically recommends the Transcribers listed on this page. If any information is included or excluded in error, please contact us at appellatehelp@opd.wa.gov so we can make that correction.
Adams County
Haley Anderson | haleya@co.adams.wa.us
Katie Sloan | catherines@co.adams.wa.us
Website: https://www.co.adams.wa.us/departments/superior_court/superior_court_clerk.php
Online Records Access: Odyssey | Odyssey Code No. 01
Ken Beck | 509-326-2438 | drdocument@mac.com
Tina Steinmetz | 509-660-0691 | tinass3168@yahoo.com or tsteinmetz@grantcountywa.gov
Asotin County
Contact: Nicole Farris | 509-243-2081 | nfarris@co.asotin.wa.us or scclerk@co.asotin.wa.us
Alternate: McKenzie Campbell|mcampbell@co.asotin.wa.us
Website: https://www.co.asotin.wa.us/170/County-Clerk
Online Records Access: Odyssey | Odyssey Code No. 02
Ken Beck | 509-326-2438 | drdocument@mac.com
Amy Brittingham | 509-594-2196 | brittinghamtranscription@yahoo.com
Jessica Henry-Mennenga | 509-869-2657 | jhmtranscription@yahoo.com
Tina Steinmetz | 509-660-0691 | tinass3168@yahoo.com or tsteinmetz@grantcountywa.gov
Benton County
Contact: Camas Murry | 509-735-8388 x 3381 | Camas.murry@co.benton.wa.us
Alternate: Nikolas Rodriguez | nikolas.rodriguez@co.benton.wa.us
Website: https://www.co.benton.wa.us/pview.aspx?id=703&catID=45
Online Records Access: N/A https://bentoncountywa.nextrequest.com/
Court Reporters:
Joe King | 509-736-3071 | jkingcourtreporter@gmail.com
Renee Munoz | 509-736-3071 | rmunozrptr@aol.com
View the full list at https://www.bentoncountywa.gov/pview.aspx?id=55145&catid=0
Jennifer Albino | Reed Jackson Watkins, LLC | 206-624-3005 | info@rjwtranscripts.com
Susan E. Anderson | 509-930-0271 | SAndersonRPR@aol.com
Jamie Booker | 253-348-9338 | jamiebooker229@gmail.com
Amy Brittingham | 509-594-2196 | brittinghamtranscription@yahoo.com
Darlene Brownlee | 509-985-6028 | Darlene.brownlee@gmail.com
Chelan County
Contact: Samantha Thompson | 509-667-6381 | Samantha.Thompson@co.chelan.wa.us
Alternate: Marty Young | marty.young@co.chelan.wa.us
Website: https://www.co.chelan.wa.us/clerk
Online Records Access: OnBase | Odyssey Code No. 04
View the full list at https://www.co.chelan.wa.us/files/superior-court/documents/UPDATED%20052124%20approved%20transcriptionist.pdf
Amy Brittingham | 509-594-2196 | brittinghamtranscription@yahoo.com
Connie Mianecki | 509-346-2560 | clm8890@aol.com
Tina Steinmetz | 509-660-0691 | <tinass3168@yahoo.com or tsteinmetz@grantcountywa.gov>
Kaedra A. Wakenshaw | 253-820-4941 | kwtranscriptions@gmail.com
Clallam County
Contact: Nikki Botnen | nikki.botnen@clallamcountywa.gov | 360-417-2230
Alternate: web_clerk@clallamcountywa.gov
Website: https://www.clallamcountywa.gov/200/County-Clerk-of-Superior-Court
Online Records Access: https://websrv11.clallam.net/documents|
Lisa Mcaneny | 360-460-8308 | Lisa-lincoln@hotmail.com
Marjie Jackson or Bonnie Reed | 206-624-3005 | office@rjwtranscripts.com
Tammy Wooldridge | 360-460-2270 | tamywoolridge@yahoo.com
Clark County
Contact: Amanda Wilden | 360-307-2292 x 4987 | amanda.wilden@clark.wa.gov
Website: https://clark.wa.gov/superior-court/cd-and-transcript-requests
Online Records Access: OnBase https://ccdocs.clark.wa.gov/AppNet/ManualLogin.aspx |
Transcription requests need to be made to the appropriate judicial assistant. Do not order on-line.
Darlene Brownlee | 206-249-7217 | darlene.brownlee@gmail.com
Marjie Jackson or Bonnie Reed | 206-624-3005 | office@rjwtranscripts.com
Amy Brittingham | 509-594-2196 | brittinghamtranscription@yahoo.com
Columbia County
Contact: Krissy Chapman | 509-382-4321 | kriston_chapman@co.columbia.wa.us
Alternate: Felice Wiens | felice_wiensn@co.columbia.wa.us
Website: http://www.columbiaco.com/25/Superior-Court
Online Records Access: Odyssey | Odyssey Code No. 07
Jessica Henry-Mennenga | 509-869-2657 | jhmtranscription@yahoo.com
Or see contact information above.
Cowlitz County
Contact: Sheryl Moul | 360-577-3016 x 8302 | mouls@cowlitzwa.gov
Alternate: Cowlitz County Clerk general email | clerk@cowlitzwa.gov
Website: https://www.co.cowlitz.wa.us/158/Clerk-of-Superior-Court
Online Records Access: Odyssey | Odyssey Code No. 08
Transcription Information:
Complete Record Request form: https://www.co.cowlitz.wa.us/3091/Search-Request-Forms#tab723e8ce7-f074-4cae-8b54-d95021609164_1
Email completed form to clerksearchrequests@cowlitzwa.gov
Advise in the body of the email that the matter is indigent.
Melissa Firth | Three Rivers Transcripts | 360-749-1754 | 3rtranscripts@comcast.net
Barbara A. Lane | Northwest Transcribers | 425-497-9760 | northwest.transcribers@gmail.com
Douglas County
Contact: courtclerk@co.douglas.wa.us
MacKenzie Jardine | 509-745-8529 x6433 | mjardine@co.douglas.wa.us
Website: https://www.douglascountywa.net/266/Clerk-of-Superior-Court
Online Records Access: OnBase/Odyssey
Amy Brittingham | 509-594-2196 | brittinghamtranscription@yahoo.com
Tina Steinmetz | 509-660-0691 | tinass3168@yahoo.com or tsteinmetz@grantcountywa.gov
Phyliss Lykken | Central Court Reporting & Video | 800.442.03376 | phyllis@centralcourtreporting.com
Ferry County
Contact: Melanie Breezee | 509-775-5225 x 2505 | sup-clerk@co.ferry.wa.us
Website: https://www.ferry-county.com/Clerk.html
On-Line Records Access: https://stevenscountywa.nextrequest.com/|Odyssey Code No. 10
Ken Beck | 509-326-2438 | drdocument@mac.com
Tina Steinmetz | 509-660-0691 | tinass3168@yahoo.com or tsteinmetz@grantcountywa.gov
Franklin County
Contact: clerkrecords@franklincountywa.gov
Alternate: Ruby Ochoa | rochoa@franklincountywa.gov
Website: https://www.benton-franklinsuperiorcourt.com/
Online Records Access: Odyssey | Odyssey Code No. 11
Court Reporters:
Joe King | 509-736-3071 | jkingcourtreporter@gmail.com
Renee Munoz | 509-736-3071 | rmunozrptr@aol.com
View the full list at https://www.benton-franklinsuperiorcourt.com/administration/transcriptionists/
Jennifer Albino | Reed Jackson Watkins, LLC | 206-624-3005 | info@rjwtranscripts.com
Susan E. Anderson | 509-930-0271 | SAndersonRPR@aol.com
Jamie Booker | 253-348-9338 | jamiebooker229@gmail.com
Amy Brittingham | 509-594-2196 | brittinghamtranscription@yahoo.com
Darlene Brownlee | 509-985-6028 | Darlene.brownlee@gmail.com
Garfield County
Contact: Marie Gormsen | mgormsen@co.garfield.wa.us>
Alternate: Lisbeth Randall | lrandall@co.cowlitz.wa.us
Website: https://www.co.garfield.wa.us/superiorcourt
Online Records Access: Odyssey | Odyssey Code No. 12
Ken Beck | 509-326-2438 | drdocument@mac.com
Amy Brittingham | 509-594-2196 | brittinghamtranscription@yahoo.com
Jessica Henry-Mennenga | 509-869-2657 | jhmtranscription@yahoo.com
Tina Steinmetz | 509-660-0691 | tinass3168@yahoo.com or tsteinmetz@grantcountywa.gov
Grant County
Shelly Spencer | sfspencer@grantcountywa.gov | 509-754-2015, ext. 2831
Shannon Collins | slcollins@grantcountywa.gov | 509-509-754-2015, ext. 2832
Website: https://www.grantcountywa.gov/351/Superior-Court
Online Records Access: https://www.grantcountywa.gov/736/Laserfiche-WebLink-Instructions
Transcription Information:
Grays Harbor County
Contact: superiorcourtappeal@graysharbor.us
Contact: Sherry Carlson | 360-964-1818 | sherry@co.grays-harbor.wa.us
Alternate: Diana Estrada | 360-964-1817 | destrada@graysharbor.us
Website: https://www.co.grays-harbor.wa.us/government/clerk/requesting_documents.php
No ONLINE REQUEST AVAILABLE. ONLY a phone call (or email) to Clerk Carlson, or Clerk Estrada
Transcription Information:
Audio Recording Request Email: clerk@co.grays-harbor.wa.us
COURT REPORTERS 360-249-2642
Island County
Dierdre Butler | 360-679-7360 | d.butler@co.island.wa.us
Debra Van Pelt | debravanp@co.island.wa.us
Website: https://www.islandcountywa.gov/Clerk/Pages/Home.aspx
On-Line Records Access: Digital Archives https://www.islandcountywa.gov/Clerk/Pages/courtrecords.aspx |
Transcription Information
Send Audio Recording Request:
To: Emily Hadsall | EF.Hadsall@islandcountywa.gov
cc: Megan Frazier | m.frazier@islandcountywa.gov
Court Reporter
Karen P. Shipley, CSR No. 2051 | 360.679.7362 | karens@islandcountywa.gov
Jefferson County
Vicky Lockhart | 360-385-9128 | vlockhart@co.jefferson.wa.us
Alternate: Amanda Hamilton | amanda.hamilton@co.jefferson.wa.us
Website: https://www.co.jefferson.wa.us/328/Transcript-Tape-Orders
On-Line Records Access: Digital Archives | Odyssey Code No. 15
Transcription Information
Order audio transcripts from Vicky Lockhart. A software audio player is required to listen to the hearings: https://content.fortherecord.com/ftr-player/
Transcribers: https://www.co.jefferson.wa.us/DocumentCenter/View/6389/APPROVED-TRANSCRIPTIONIST-2020
King County
Contact (Files): KC Script Portal | https://dja-prd-ecexap1.kingcounty.gov/?q=user/login¤t=node/411
Contact (Exhibits): DJA.Exhibitclerk@kingcounty.gov
Alternate: Danielle Anderson | danielle.anderson@kingcounty.gov
Transcription Information
Laurie Bell | 206-477-0851 | Dja.copycenter@kingcounty.gov |Laurie.Bell@kingcounty.gov
Website: https://kingcounty.gov/courts/clerk/access-records/records.aspx
King County uploads recordings directly to transcriber.
View the full list at https://kingcounty.gov/courts/clerk/programs/transcriptionists.aspx
Melissa Firth | Three Rivers Transcripts |360-749-1754 | 3rtranscripts@comcast.net
Marjie Jackson or Bonnie Reed | 206-624-3005 | office@rjwtranscripts.com
Barbara A. Lane | Northwest Transcribers | 425-497-9760 | Northwest.Transcribers@gmail.com
Thomas Marshman | For the Record | 206-714-4578 | fortherecordtranscripts@gmail.com
Kitsap County
Tamra Cook | tcook@kitsap.gov
Tricia Croston | tcroston@kitsap.gov
Website: https://www.kitsapgov.com/sc/Pages/default.aspx
Online Records Access: Odyssey | Odyssey Code No. 19
Transcription Information
Request Form: https://www.kitsapgov.com/sc/Pages/transcript_request.aspx
View the full list at https://www.kitsapgov.com/sc/Pages/transcript_request.aspx
Deborah S. Anderson | 704-840-9351 |deborah.s.anderson69@gmail.com
Gloria Bell | 360-584-4680 | gloriabellccr@comcast.net
Barbara Brace | 360 337-4462 | bbrace@co.kitsap.wa.us
Roger Flygare | 253-661-2711 | rgflygare@flygare.com
Jami Hetzel | 360-271-0291 | jhetzel@co.kitsap.wa.us
Kittitas County
Alternate: Karen Bowen | 509-962-7531
Website: https://www.co.kittitas.wa.us/clerk/default.aspx
Transcription Information
Request Form: https://www.co.kittitas.wa.us/uploads/documents/clerk/forms/AUDIO%20REQUEST-20200527.pdf
On-line Records Access: Digital Archives https://www.co.kittitas.wa.us/clerk/pay-copies.aspx
For complete list of transcriptionists contact Court Administration at 509.962.7533.
Ken Beck | 509-251-2248 | drdocument@mac.com
Amy Brittingham | 509-594-2196 | brittinghamtranscription@yahoo.com
Tina Steinmetz | 509-660-0691 | tinass3168@yahoo.com or tsteinmetz@grantcountywa.gov
Klickitat County
Renea Campbell | 509-962-7531 | clerksoffice@klickitatcounty.org
Alternate: Angel Hill | clerksoffice@klickitatcounty.org
Website: http://klickitatcounty.org/186/County-Clerk
Online Records Access: Digital Archives http://klickitatcounty.org/890/Document-Request
Lewis County
Ruth Allison | 360-740-1197 | Ruth.allison@lewiscountywa.gov ====
Susie Eck | caril.eck@lewiscountywa.gov (cc Susie in all emails to Ruth Allison)
Website: https://lewiscountywa.gov/offices/clerk/
Online Records Access: Odyssey | Odyssey Code No. 21
Court Reporter:
Gloria Bell | 360-740-1171 | gloriabellccr@comcast.net
Transcription Information:
If proceeding(s) to be transcribed were recorded, Gloria can prepare, or you can choose another approved transcriber on the list below.
Lincoln County
Dana Reyburn| 509-725-1401 | dreyburn@co.lincoln.wa.us
Alternate: Kenzie Graber | kgraber@co.lincoln.wa.us
Website: https://www.co.lincoln.wa.us/superiorcourt/?s=court+administrator
Online Records Access: N/A | https://www.co.lincoln.wa.us/superiorcourt/how-can-i-get-copies-of-documents-that-have-been-filed/
Transcription Information
Contact Court Administrator Hills at rlhills@co.lincoln.wa.us
Tina Steinmetz | 509-660-0691 | tinass3168@yahoo.com or tsteinmetz@grantcountywa.gov
Mason County
Catherine Reed, Deputy Clerk 1 | (360) 427-9670 ext. 233 | superiorcourtclerk@masoncountywa.gov
Website: https://masoncountywa.gov/departments/superior_court_clerk/services.php
Online Records Access: Odyssey | Odyssey Code 23
Transcription Information
All proceedings are recorded.
Tape/CD Request Form: https://masoncountywa.gov/forms/superior-court/CD-order.pdf
Transcript Order Form: https://masoncountywa.gov/forms/superior-court/transcript-order.pdf
Official Transcriptionist List: https://masoncountywa.gov/superior-court/transcriptionists.php
Okanogan County
Contact: Documents and Exhibits: Doris Rawley | 509-422-7346 | drawley@co.okanogan.wa.us
CD Recordings: Marlenia Fitzgerald | mfitzgerald@co.okanogan.wa.us
Alternate: Susan Speiker | 509-422-7275 | sspeiker@co.okanogan.wa.us
Website: https://www.okanogancounty.org/offices/clerk/records_and_requests.php
Online Records Access: Odyssey | Odyssey Code 24
Ken Beck | 509-251-2248 | drdocument@mac.com
Tina Steinmetz | 509-660-0691 | tinass3168@yahoo.com or tsteinmetz@grantcountywa.gov
Pacific County
Lori Hobi | 360-875-9320 | lhobi@co.pacific.wa.us
Shannon Pettit | 360-875-9320 | spettit@co.pacific.wa.us
Website: https://www.co.pacific.wa.us/courts/clerk/ Online Records Access: Odyssey | Odyssey Code 25
Melissa Firth | Three Rivers Transcripts |360-749-1754 | 3rtranscripts@comcast.net
Pend Oreille County
Contact: Tammie Ownbey | townbey@pendoreille.org
Alternate: Carrie Chancellor | cchancellor@pendoreille.org
Website: https://pendoreilleco.org/your-government/county-clerk/records-maintained-by-the-clerk/
Online Records Access: N/A | https://pendoreilleco.org/your-government/county-clerk/forms-and-fee-schedule/
Ken Beck | 509-251-2248 | drdocument@mac.com
Evelyn Bell | ebell@stevenscountywa.gov
Tina Steinmetz | 509-660-0691 | tinass3168@yahoo.com or tsteinmetz@grantcountywa.gov
Pierce County
Erin Campbell | 253-798-7455 | erin.campbell@piercecountywa.gov
Gloria Berry | 253-793-8107 | gloria.berry@piercecountywa.gov
Chris Hanson | 253-798-7455 | chris.hanson@piercecountywa.gov
Online Records Access: LINX https://linxonline.co.pierce.wa.us/linxweb/Search.cfm
Transcription Information:
Order recording from Erin and cc Chris. Inform them of the transcriber it should be sent to.
Transcript Request: https://www.piercecountywa.gov/6659/Transcript-Requests
Copies/Records Access: https://www.piercecountywa.gov/373/Copies-Records-Access
View the full list at https://www.piercecountywa.gov/6659/Transcript-Requests
Ann Marie Allison | 253-882-7555 | emailmyhome@aol.com
Rebecca E. Donley | 509-539-6153 | rdonley@caseydonley.com
Melissa Firth | Three Rivers Transcripts |360-749-1754 | 3rtranscripts@comcast.net
Jan-Marie Glaze | 253-312-0257 | janmarieglaze@gmail.com
Jami Hetzel | 360-271-0291 | Handsdownreporting@aol.com
Holly Rydel Kelly, CET |Talk to Type | 253-298-5227
Thomas Marshman | For the Record | 206-714-4578 | fortherecordtranscripts@gmail.com
Connie Mianecki, CET | 509-346-2560/ 509-989-0565 | Clm8890@aol.com
Kim O’Neill | O’Neill Court Reporting | 253-942-3747 | oneillreporting@aol.com
Katrina Smith | 253-677-5112 | Treenee70@comcast.net
Kellie Smith | 253-255-6048 | Kelsmith78@gmail.com
Catherine M. Vernon | 253-627-2062 | avernon@vernoncourtreporters.com
Kaedra Wakenshaw | KW Transcription | 253-820-4941 | kwtranscriptions@gmail.com
Reed Jackson Watkins | 206-624-3005 | reed@rjwtranscripts.com
San Juan County
Lisa Henderson | 360-378-2163 | lisah@sanjuanco.com
Alternate: Jeanette Longan | jeannettel@sanjuanco.com
Website: https://www.sanjuanco.com/184/County-Clerk
Online Records Access: N/A | https://www.sanjuanco.com/1739/Requesting-Documents-and-Viewing-Files
View the full list at https://www.sanjuanco.com/DocumentCenter/View/7742/Court-Reporter-Transcriptionist?bidId=
Eleanor Mitchell | 425-503-3645 | eleanor@mitchellrealtimereporting.com
Catherine Vernon | 253-627-2062 | cvernon@vernoncourtreporters.com
Susan Anderson | sandersonrpr@aol.com
Skagit County
Kristen Denton | kristend@co.skagit.wa.us
Alternate: Katie Young | katiey@co.skagit.wa.us
Appeals | supcrtclerk@co.skagit.wa.us
Website: https://www.skagitcounty.net/Departments/Clerk/main.htm
Online Records Access: Odyssey | Odyssey Code 29
Jennifer Pollino | jencpollino@gmail.com
Corpolongo & Associates (Contact: Pattie Long) | info@corpolongoandassociates.com
Skamania County
Paula Diaz | diaz@co.skamania.wa.us
Alternate: Grace Cross | 509-427-3765 | cross@co.skamania.wa.us
Online Records Access: N/A | https://www.skamaniacounty.org/departments-offices/superior-court/public-records-request
View the full list at https://www.skamaniacounty.org/departments-offices/superior-court
Tammy Wooldridge| 360-460-2270 | tamywoolridge@yahoo.com
Amy Brittingham | 509-594-2196 | brittinghamtranscription@yahoo.com
Kaedra A. Wakenshaw | 253-820-4941 | kwtranscriptions@gmail.com
Snohomish County
Juvenile Court Clerk's Office DJJCClerks@co.snohomish.wa.us
Superior Court Clerk's Office Contacts SCL-AppealsClerk@co.snohomish.wa.us
Sara Nealious | sara.nealious@co.snohomish.wa.us
Exhibits SCL-Exhibits@co.snohomish.wa.us
Jim Bernard | SCL-Exhibits@co.snohomish.wa.us | jim.bernard@co.snohomish.wa.us
Website: https://www.snohomishcountywa.gov/5492/Superior-Court-Clerk
Online Records Access: | Odyssey | Odyssey Code No. 31
Transcription Information
CDS of Recording Hearings: https://www.snohomishcountywa.gov/5508/Access-Court-Records
View the full list at https://www.snohomishcountywa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/69105/Authorized-Transcriptionists-for-Snohomish-County?bidId=
Spokane County
Breanne Hansen | 509-477-2211 | blhansen@spokanecounty.org
Glenda Vogt | 509-477-2211 | gvogt@spokanecounty.org
Website: https://www.spokanecounty.org/2209/CD-Duplications-Transcripts
View the full list of Court Reporters:
Stevens County
Alissa Brown | 509-684-7552 | abrown@stevenscountywa.gov
Alternate: Michelle Enright | menright@stevebscountywa.gov
Website: https://stevenscountywa.municipalcms.com/pview.aspx?id=20847&catid=25
Online Records Access: Odyssey | Odyssey Code 33
Transcription Information
Transcript Form- https://stevenscountywa.municipalcms.com/files/documents/RequestforTranofHearing1369023242040122PM.pdf
CD Hearing Form- https://stevenscountywa.municipalcms.com/files/documents/RequestforCDofHearing1369023218040122PM.pdf
Ken Beck | 509-251-2248 | drdocument@mac.com
Evelyn Bell | ebell@stevenscountywa.gov
Amy Brittingham | 509-594-2196 | brittinghamtranscription@yahoo.com
Tina Steinmetz | 509-660-0691 | tinass3168@yahoo.com or tsteinmetz@grantcountywa.gov
Thurston County
Pamela Byrnes | 360-786-5430 | pamela.byrnes@co.thurston.wa.us
Alternate: Edison Herron | edison.herron@co.thurston.wa.us
Website: https://www.thurstoncountywa.gov/sc/Pages/transcripts.aspx
Online Records Access: Odyssey | Odyssey Code 34
Transcription Information
Request transcription of audio recordings from Kathy.beehler@co.thurston.wa.us . She will prepare the transcript or assign it to another court reporter.
Court Reporters:
Kathryn Beehler | 360-709-3212 | Kathy.beehler@co.thurston.wa.us
Rafe Beswick | 360-786-5568 | Rafe.beswick@co.thurston.wa.us
Cheryl Hendricks | 360-786-5569 | Cheryl.hendricks@co.thurston.wa.us
Cheri Davidson | 360-786-5570 | Cheri.davidson@co.thurston.wa.us
Aurora Shackell | 360-786-5572 | Aurora.shackell@co.thurston.wa.us
Wahkiakum County
Kay Holland | 360-795-3558 | superiorcourt@co.wahkiakum.wa.us
Jessica Reddon | 360-795-3558 | superiorcourt@co.wahkiakum.wa.us
Website: https://www.co.wahkiakum.wa.us/312/Superior-Court-Clerks-Office
Online Records Access: Odyssey | Odyssey Code 35
Walla Walla County
Kathy Golden | kgolden@co.walla-walla.wa.us | clerk1@co.walla-walla.wa.us
Website: https://www.co.walla-walla.wa.us/government/clerk/index.php
Online Records Access: N/A |https://www.co.walla-walla.wa.us/government/public_records/index.php
Tina Driver | tdriver@co.walla-walla.wa.us
Jessica Henry-Mennenga | 509-869-2657 | jmtranscription@yahoo.com
Erica L. Ingram | 206 478 5028 | inquiries@aquoco.co
Linda Latham | llatham@co.walla-walla.wa.us
Jori Moore | jori.moore@co.yakima.wa.us
Tina Steinmetz | 509-660-0691 | tinass3168@yahoo.com or tsteinmetz@grantcountywa.gov
Whatcom County
Heather Britain | 360-778-5560 | hbritain@co.whatcom.wa.us
Alternate: Sanra Kiele | skiele@co.whatcom.wa.us
Website: https://www.whatcomcounty.us/1906/Superior-Court-Judges-Judicial-Assistant
Online Records Access: Odyssey | Odyssey Code 37
Court Reporters:
Laura Parker | 360-778-5609 | LParker@co.whatcom.wa.us
Rhonda Jensen | 360-778-5608 |RJensen@co.whatcom.wa.us
Wendy Raymond | 360-778-5610 | WRaymond@co.whatcom.wa.us
Transcribers: Corpolongo & Associates | 360.671.6298 | info@corpolongoandassociates.com
Whitman County
Jill Whelchel | jill.whelchel@whitmancounty.net
Website: https://www.whitmancounty.org/214/Clerk
Online Records Access: N/A | https://www.whitmancounty.org/FormCenter/Request-Records-9/Request-Superior-Court-Records-130
View the full list at: https://www.whitmancounty.org/214/Clerk (Forms and Documents)
Amy Brittingham | 509-594-2196 | brittinghamtranscription@yahoo.com
Thomas Marshman | For the Record | 206-714-4578 | fortherecordtranscripts@gmail.com
Tina Steinmetz | 509-660-0691 | tinass3168@yahoo.com or tsteinmetz@grantcountywa.gov
Yakima County
Send requests to: dcs.requests@co.yakima.wa.us
Appeals Clerk: Linda Hede | linda.hede@co.yakima.wa.us and clerksappeals@co.yakima.wa.us
Alternate: Billie Maggard | billie.maggard@co.yakima.wa.us
Alternate: Irene LaFollette irene.lafollette@co.yakima.wa.us
Contact for Audio Recordings to be sent for Transcription
Daniel Mendez | daniel.mendez@co.yakima.wa.us | 509-574-1426
Alexandra Rank | Alexandra.Rank@co.yakima.wa.us
View the full list at https://www.yakimacounty.us/DocumentCenter/View/958/Transciptionist-List-PDF?bidId=
Ken Beck | 509-251-2248 | drdocument@me.com
Amy Brittingham | 509-594-2196 | brittinghamtranscription@yahoo.com
Erica L. Ingram | 206 478 5028 | inquiries@aquoco.co
Tina Steinmetz | 509-660-0691 | tinass3168@yahoo.com or tsteinmetz@grantcountywa.gov
Barbara Lane | 425-497-9760 | northwest.transcribers@gmail.com